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The PACT Institute

About PACT

If you haven’t yet joined the PACT Therapist Directory, now is the time. Enjoy these benefits of a Premium membership:

  • Help couples interested in PACT find you. 
  • Get alphabetical top billing in the list of PACT therapists.
  • Link directly to your website.
  • Tell potential clients about your practice specialties and location
  • Expand your practice through national exposure. 
  • Update your profile and photo at any time. 
  • Connect with other PACT therapists. 

The annual Premium membership fee is $149.

“Our PACT directory rocks! I have gotten several referrals from it, and what's been really great about these referrals is that each couple sought me out because they were already familiar with PACT, so we got to hit the rolling chairs running.”

~ Kara Hoppe, PACT Level 2 Clinician

“I highly recommend joining the PACT therapist directory. 
Within one week of joining, I got a referral that more than paid for my registration fee.”

~ Sylvia Rosenfeld, LCSW

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* Membership level

The PACT Institute only accepts licensed clinicians into the directory who have met the Institute’s clinical training prerequisites and have completed the minimum of PACT Level 1 training.  

A listing in the directory is not an endorsement by the PACT Institute or by Dr. Stan Tatkin. 

In order to maintain a listing in the PACT Institute Directory, clinicians:

  1. Must conduct themselves in alignment with the American Psychological Association’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. The Code can be viewed at https://www.apa.org/ethics/code/

  2. Must be an actively licensed mental health professional in the jurisdiction in which you practice.

  3. Cannot have a current case against you by your state or jurisdictional licensing board.

  4. Cannot be on probation by your state or jurisdictional licensing board.

  5. Cannot have a history of having been the subject of a lawsuit that resulted in you or your malpractice insurance company paying for damages caused by you.
  6. Must have a malpractice insurance policy with minimal benefits of $1,000,000/$3,000,000 coverage.

  7. Agree to notify the PACT Institute if you are threatened with a practice-related lawsuit or licensing board action.

  8. Agree to hold the PACT Institute, its owners, officers, agents, employees, and affiliates harmless and indemnify them fully in the event of any legal action taken against you in your role of mental health professional. Such actions include harms that were known or unknown and predictable or unpredictable.

  9. Understand the above “hold harmless” and “indemnification” clause is mutual, between you and the PACT Institute.

The PACT Institute reserves the right to remove directory listings with no refund in the following cases: 

  1. The PACT Institute receives three complaints about a clinician. A third complaint will result in termination of the directory listing. No refund will be given and the auto-renew feature will be terminated. 

  2. The PACT Institute receives notification of an investigation by a governing Board. The directory listing may be re-added upon being satisfactorily cleared by the investigating Board. 

  3. We reserve the right to remove a clinician from the directory at any time.

For questions about the directory, email us at admin@thepactinstitute.com

To learn more about PACT visit our website. 

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