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The PACT Institute

About the Therapist Directory

The PACT Therapist Directory exclusively lists PACT-trained therapists.

You’ll find two types of listings in the directory:

  • Basic listings include the therapist’s name, location, PACT level of training completed, and lived and trained experience with respect to race, gender identity, sexual orientation, and religion. 
  • Premium listings (available for a fee) include all of the same information as the Basic listing and may also include the therapist's photo, detailed profile, areas of specialty, payment/insurance options, and additional contact information. 

All PACT-trained therapists have been trained to support you and your partner in dealing with issues that come up in your relationship and to help you build long-lasting, secure-functioning relationships. This directory includes the following levels of PACT affiliation:

  • Level 1 therapists have completed 40 hours of live training with PACT faculty in addition to required self study of the foundational PACT training.
  • Level 2 therapists have completed an additional 30 hours of live training with PACT faculty, plus required self study of the intermediate PACT training.
  • Level 3 therapists have completed an additional 40 hours of  live training with PACT faculty, plus required self study of the advanced coursework, including a final assessment.
  • PACT Certified therapists have completed all three levels of the PACT training program, plus additional coursework and study at the highest level to become certified by the PACT Institute.

The PACT Institute only accepts licensed clinicians into the directory who have met the Institute’s clinical training prerequisites and have completed the minimum of PACT Level 1 training.  

A listing in the directory is not an endorsement by the PACT Institute or by Dr. Stan Tatkin. 

In order to maintain a listing in the PACT Institute Directory, clinicians:

  1. Must conduct themselves in alignment with the American Psychological Association’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. The Code can be viewed at https://www.apa.org/ethics/code/

  2. Must be an actively licensed mental health professional in the jurisdiction in which you practice.

  3. Cannot have a current case against you by your state or jurisdictional licensing board.

  4. Cannot be on probation by your state or jurisdictional licensing board.

  5. Cannot have a history of having been the subject of a lawsuit that resulted in you or your malpractice insurance company paying for damages caused by you.

  6. Must have a malpractice insurance policy with minimal benefits of $1,000,000/$3,000,000 coverage.

  7. Agree to notify the PACT Institute if you are threatened with a practice-related lawsuit or licensing board action.

  8. Agree to hold the PACT Institute, its owners, officers, agents, employees, and affiliates harmless and indemnify them fully in the event of any legal action taken against you in your role of mental health professional. Such actions include harms that were known or unknown and predictable or unpredictable.

  9. Understand the above “hold harmless” and “indemnification” clause is mutual, between you and the PACT Institute.

The PACT Institute reserves the right to remove directory listings with no refund in the following cases: 

  1. The PACT Institute receives three complaints about a clinician. A third complaint will result in termination of the directory listing. No refund will be given and the auto-renew feature will be terminated. 

  2. The PACT Institute receives notification of an investigation by a governing Board. The directory listing may be re-added upon being satisfactorily cleared by the investigating Board. 

  3. We reserve the right to remove a clinician from the directory at any time.

  1. The PACT Institute only accepts licensed clinicians into the certification program who:
    • Have been a fully licensed clinician for at least three years
    • Has seen at least 30 couples using the PACT methodology
    • Have successfully completed PACT Level 3 training
    • Have been approved for entry to the certification program by the PACT Institute's faculty

  2. In order to apply for and maintain a PACT Institute certification designation, clinicians:
    • Must conduct themselves in alignment with the American Psychological Association’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. The Code can be viewed at https://www.apa.org/ethics/code/
    • Must be an actively licensed mental health professional in the jurisdiction in which they practice.
    • Cannot have a current case against them by their state or jurisdictional licensing board.
    • Cannot be on probation by your state or jurisdictional licensing board.
    • Cannot have a history of having been the subject of a lawsuit that resulted in them or their malpractice insurance company paying for damages caused by them.
    • Must have a malpractice insurance policy with minimal benefits of $1,000,000/$3,000,000 coverage.
    • Agree to notify the PACT Institute if they are threatened with a practice-related lawsuit or licensing board action.
    • Agree to hold the PACT Institute, its owners, officers, agents, employees, and affiliates harmless and indemnify them fully in the event of any legal action taken against you in your role of mental health professional. Such actions include harms that were known or unknown and predictable or unpredictable.

  3. The PACT Institute reserves the right to suspend certification designation in the following cases:
    • The PACT Institute receives three complaints about a clinician. A third complaint will result in termination of the certification status and their directory listing.
    • The PACT Institute receives notification of an investigation by a governing Board. The certification and directory re-listing may occur at the PACT Institute’s discretion upon being satisfactorily cleared by the investigating Board.

No refund will be given to the clinician of any fees paid for certification or the directory.

For questions about the certification, email us at admin@thepactinstitute.com

Please do not email faculty, Dr. Stan Tatkin, Dr. Tracey Tatkin directly about certification questions or logistics.

If you have a concern about your experience with a clinician found in this directory, please contact us at the linked form with details of the complaint. We will review and reach out to you to discuss needed next steps.

To learn more about PACT visit our website. 

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